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Inside Emily and Mr. Moon

Emily and Mr. Moon is a heart-warming poem about the growth of a little girl called Emily who talks to the moon. And how, just like the moon's shape, life goes round in circles.

A sneaky snippet from inside :)

When Emily was almost six

she’d lay in bed with a book,

and tell Mr. Moon all sorts of things

while at the pictures she’d look.

She’d moan about her parents

and how they were so stern,

making her read for an hour a night

and study hard to learn.

When Emily was nine years old

she’d lean on the windowsill and gaze,

and tell Mr. Moon about her day at school

and how fast went by the days.

She’d tell him of her friends in class

and how some of them were nice,

and that on Friday it was show and tell

and she’d be taking her pet mice.

Get your copy of Emily and Mr. Moon here

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