kidsShelf Quarterly Book Cover Competition - Winner :)
I'm so pleased to tell you all that Craggle Hill recieved this badge from kidsShelf Books and is one of this quarters winners! Well...

💫💫 OUT NOW 💫💫
💫💫 IT’S LIVE 💫💫 Craggle Hill by E.A. Belle Ebook Paperback Also available on iBooks At the top of Craggle Hill, in a village named...

The Making of the Craggle Hill Cover
When I first started writing Craggle Hill I knew exactly how I wanted the cover to look. I knew how I wanted the witches house to look, I...

🎃🎃 Title and Blurb Reveal 🎃🎃
🎃🎃 Title and Blurb Reveal 🎃🎃 🎃 COMING THIS OCTOBER 🎃 Craggle Hill by E.A.Belle At the top of Craggle Hill, in a village named...