A Sneak Peek Inside Craggle Hill
3 Eartha I gazed out of my window and down at the village below as people gathered on Appleworth Common with their jack-o’-lanterns for...

Inside Festive Rhymes at Christmas Time
A wondrous gift of twenty-five festive poems for children on the nice list. This collection of children’s Christmas poems contains...

Inside Emily and Mr. Moon
Emily and Mr. Moon is a heart-warming poem about the growth of a little girl called Emily who talks to the moon. And how, just like the...

Spooky Stories has had a makeover!
Yes, that's right, Spooky Stories & Terrifying Tales has had a makeover. It's still the same stories inside (with minor adjustments) and...

🌲🌲🌲 IT'S LIVE 🌲🌲🌲
🌲🌲🌲 IT'S LIVE 🌲🌲🌲 A wondrous gift of twenty-five festive poems for children on the nice list. This collection of children’s...

Coming This November
Festive Rhymes at Christmas Time For Children on the Nice List A wondrous gift of twenty-five festive poems for children on the nice...

kidsShelf Quarterly Book Cover Competition - Winner :)
I'm so pleased to tell you all that Craggle Hill recieved this badge from kidsShelf Books and is one of this quarters winners! Well...

💫💫 OUT NOW 💫💫
💫💫 IT’S LIVE 💫💫 Craggle Hill by E.A. Belle Ebook Paperback Also available on iBooks At the top of Craggle Hill, in a village named...