The Making of the Craggle Hill Cover
When I first started writing Craggle Hill I knew exactly how I wanted the cover to look. I knew how I wanted the witches house to look, I...

🎃🎃 Title and Blurb Reveal 🎃🎃
🎃🎃 Title and Blurb Reveal 🎃🎃 🎃 COMING THIS OCTOBER 🎃 Craggle Hill by E.A.Belle At the top of Craggle Hill, in a village named...

🎃🎃🎃 OUT NOW 🎃🎃🎃
🎃🎃🎃 OUT NOW 🎃🎃🎃 Spooky Stories and Terrifying Tales by E.A.Belle Are you afraid of the dark? Do you shiver at the mere mention of...

Inside the pages of this book, you will find five stories that are sure to leave you creeped out and sleeping with the light on for at least

Trick or Treat by E.A. Belle
Trick or Treat by E.A. Belle Trick or Treat is a pick 'n' mix of sweet, funny, scary, and gross poems that are sure to get you in the...

Emily and Mr Moon by E.A.Belle
A heart-warming poem about the growth of a little girl called Emily who talks to the moon. And how, just like the moon’s shape, life goes ro